It is one of my favourite art pieces. I intended to paint only one, but then during the act of painting I decided that there would be 2 more et voilà now it is a triptyque.
used material: acrylic paint on canvas - 150 x 70 cm -
I have created art for many years now and I have to say that there are quite some influences, which should be known in order to understand my art better. The great American artist 'Georgia O'Keeffe' once said: "Nichts ist weniger real als der Realismus. Nur wenn man auswählt, weglässt und Schwerpunkte setzt, stößt man zur wahren Bedeutung der Dinge vor!". A friend of mine said to me "Never try to be someone else, be yourself". It sounds so easy but it isn't.
einfach himmlisch. was du mit farbe und pinsel alles machst, einfach super. (und erst die steine... :D )