Instead of flowers my soon to be mom-in-law will get this picture of a rose. I used polychromos colored pencils. They are great, but I have to work with them more. - 21 x 21 cm
I have created art for many years now and I have to say that there are quite some influences, which should be known in order to understand my art better. The great American artist 'Georgia O'Keeffe' once said: "Nichts ist weniger real als der Realismus. Nur wenn man auswählt, weglässt und Schwerpunkte setzt, stößt man zur wahren Bedeutung der Dinge vor!". A friend of mine said to me "Never try to be someone else, be yourself". It sounds so easy but it isn't.
ums nochmal festzuhalten: das bild ist einfach gigantisch toll :)